Military wire collection

Military Surplus MIL-W-16878/4 wire acquired circa 1980's. Actually... Not every roll is /4 or E-type but most are, however, all are M16878 slash something. Anyway... They were collected over a ten year period and I'm going to estimate that there is around 7500 - 8000 pounds on reels and an additional 1500 - 2000 pounds of scrap. Mostly cables and wire-harnesses and ends (less then 25ft). A lot of the scrap has, seemingly unused, military connectors (coax, round, etc.). Finally... The information represented here is from original traceability data on the rolls. Hence; No data. Poor description. And of course... I've used a few thousand feet over the years so the total count may be off by a bit.
Photo documentation is available here.

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Gauge :
Type :
Color :

PartNo AWG Strands Configuration Detail Price/ft Feet
1-3003667-1 24ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.95 50
15774 24ga 1936str TW/PR yel blk $0.35 500
1XT-22-1934/2/SFJ 22ga 1934str TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/gry $1.05 300
20-19STRD-5SJ 22ga TW/PR/SH blk red jkt/wht $1.05 200
202-3802-0000/3006-191 26ga SOLID TW/PR/SH jkt/wht $0.75 1100
24-TE-1936-9 24ga 1936str TW/PR blk wht $0.35 200
28/7E/3 28ga 0736str TW/TRI blk wht red $0.80 2100
3013684-56 18ga 1930str TW/TRI/SH blk red wht jkt/wht $2.35 25
4210512-24 16ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $2.25 550
4210512-24_1 16ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $2.25 486
4210512-32 20ga TW/SEVEN/SH blk red yel grn blu wht jkt/clr $2.50 195
4210595-008 20ga TW/PR yel/blk yel $0.45 3900
4210595-11 26ga TW/PR blk wht $0.35 500
4210595-168 16ga 1929str TW/PR/SH yel gry $2.25 400
4210596-11 28ga TW/PR blk wht $0.45 3600
4216595-168 16ga 1929str TW/PR/SH jkt/none gry yel $2.25 650
4297840-029 26ga TW/PR blu $0.35 700
4297840-105-24-106 20ga TW/TRI red yel blu $0.75 1256
4297840-271 30ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.45 500
5727620-12 22ga TW/QUAD/SH blk red grn wht jkt/wht $1.75 330
57277620-19 18ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $1.65 75
710842-3 16ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/clear $2.25 150
710899-59 24ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht yel jkt/wht $1.00 530
710899-59_1 24ga TW/TRI/SH blk red yel jkt/wht $1.25 50
710922-10 26ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht/blu/vio $1.00 440
710922-16 24ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.95 200
710922-16_1 24ga 1936str TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.95 2500
710922-2 18ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $1.65 100
710922-20 24ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $1.25 879
710922-36 TW/QUAD/SH blk wht red grn $Ask 722
710922-37 20ga TW/PR/SH/PVC blk wht jkt/wht $0.25 270
710922-4 26ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red $0.75 100
710922-68 20ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $1.75 200
710922-8 26ga TW/PR/SH wht blk jkt/gry $0.75 900
710922-8_1 24ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.95 200
720417-1 26ga TW/PR/SH/MYLAR wht/blk jkt/wht $0.25 200
720417-11 26ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.75 100
720417-2 28ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $0.80 746
720922-10 26ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $1.00 200
723429-1 32ga SOLID TW/PR blk blu $0.25 200
75911-24121STJ 26ga TW/PR/SH blu/gry gry/blu jkt/wht $0.75 1024
8335-100/7-301-2/6 20ga 1932str TW/TRI/SH wht blk red jkt/wht $1.75 100
9725-1-22/960568-8 26ga TW/TRI wht wht wht $0.10 670
AB0Y50-006-22-9 22ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/clear $1.05 25
E0-28U-999-000-SF 26ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $1.00 500
EC24U0-9-2SF TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $Ask 656
EC260-999-777U 26ga TW/PR wht yel $0.35 1820
MB0150-054-16UBC2 16ga TW/PR blk wht jkt/clear $1.75 50
RIBBON-1-T15-C 30ga RIBBON/TW/TRI/SH/15 wht blk red gold foil $15.00 100
WIRE-1-3-18-963 18ga TW/TRI/SH wht blk red jkt/wht/grn/oar $2.35 650
WIRE-1-T-12-909 12ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $5.00 500
WIRE-1-T-16-290965 16ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht/blu/grn $2.25 300
WIRE-1-T-18-9028 18ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/gry $2.35 500
WIRE-1-T-2-16-299 16ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $2.25 100
WIRE-1-T-2-22-97 22ga TW/PR wht vio $0.50 100
WIRE-1-T-20-4444 20ga TW/QUAD yel yel yel yel $1.50 2000
WIRE-1-T-22-9029 22ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $1.50 500
WIRE-1-T-22-902C 22ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/clr $1.50 100
WIRE-1-T-24-25 24ga TW/PR red grn $0.35 25
WIRE-1-T-26-0299 26ga TW/TRI/SH blk red wht jkt/wht $1.00 150
WIRE-1-T-26-09-9 26ga 1938str TW/PR/SH wht blk jkt/wht $0.75 104
WIRE-1-T-26-3-9 26ga TW/TRI/SH 962 963 50 jkt/wht $1.00 1500
WIRE-1-T-26-909 26ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $0.75 200
WIRE-1-T-26-9209 26ga TW/TRI/SH blk wht red jkt/wht $1.00 150
WIRE-1-T-3-26-999 16ga 1929str TW/TRI/SH 905 208 08 jkt/wht $3.00 1600
WIRE-2-T-12-909 12ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $5.00 750
WIRE-3-T-12-909 12ga TW/PR/SH blk wht jkt/wht $5.00 600

Found 70 items of 67 types totaling 41078 feet.